Mondays 7.30pm – 9.30pm Snozone Castleford. NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING.
Strictly by invitation only!
All participants – please purchase a slope pass from the Snozone counter.
Race training subscriptions of £5 will be payable by anyone participating in race training (includes Lion’s instructors). No sub’s will be payable for valid Lion’s instructors to participate in instructor training or to freeski.
Overview – Lions Ski Club runs its advanced training session for two hours virtually every Monday of the year. This is a closed session and is only for those members of the Club invited by either the Race Coaching Coordinator, for those doing race training, or by the Chief Instructor/Coach, for those participating in instructor training. Non-members are not allowed to attend this session. Due to the agreement we have with Snozone, Monday evenings are specifically for race training and instructor training, freeskiing by the general membership is therefore not permitted at discounted Lion’s rates.
Race Training – Lion’s runs a structured race training programme. This programme caters for all our athletes, from those starting out their ski racing careers through to those who represent the club in National and International competitions. Skiers are expected to first develop their skills at our Sunday morning sessions. Once they have passed the Snowlife 6 training level, skiers are promoted to the Sunday morning Development Coaching Group and finally onto the Monday Coaching Group; when their skills have developed sufficiently and the Race Coaching Coordinator is comfortable that they will meet the Club’s expectations of behaviour and commitment. At this point they will be invited for additional training on Monday evenings. Race training is provided by a combination of volunteer Lion’s coaches and external race coaches brought in as required. The Lion’s training programme runs in partnership with Jo Ryding of JR Ski Racing. Monday race training consists of drills based exercises, course practise and regular monthly timing nights.
All news for race training will be provided through the closed group on Facebook, ‘Lions Ski Club – Racing’, to which anyone participating in the programme will be invited (if under 16, the parent/guardian will be invited).
Lion’s Monday Night Race ‘Management Team’.
John Curran (RCC – Manager, Coach and Snowlife Assessor)
Simon Pexton (Coach and Snowlife Assessor)
Kirsten Walton (Coach)
Mike Agutter (Coach)
Julian Nowell / Kenny Walton (Timing, advisory input and admin support)